2nd Meeting of the MedWildFireLab Consortium. Athens, Greece, 13-15th May 2015
The 2nd Meeting of the MedWildFireLab - Global Change Impacts on Wildland Fire Behaviour and Uses in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems, towards a « wall less » Mediterranean Wildland Fire Laboratory project was held on May 15th of 2015, at the Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems, Athens, Greece.
The meeting was preceded by a field trip to the Attica Peninsula on May 13th. During this trip the participants visited forest areas that have burned in the last few years. Many of them are characterized as “Wildland-Urban Interface”. On May 14th, a workshop on “Current and Future Training on Wildland Fire Management” was carried out in the frame of MedWildFireLab project, with the presence of greek, portuguese and spanish experts.
This meeting allowed a valuable exchange of experiences and ideas especially on the main MedWildFireLab goals: to develop an integrated Mediterranean forest information system as basis for fostering the cooperation and exchange of knowledge and know-how; to work towards common concepts and vocabulary adapted to Mediterranean context; to address the policy makers proposals and recommendations for up-dating wildland fire policies and to support the transnational access to existing research networks and infrastructures towards a new transnational joint research structure willing to ensure a long-lasting cooperation in this field.