With the objective to integrate the outcomes of FORESTERRA strategic plan regarding emerging priorities in Mediterranean forest research and avoid overlaps, a Joint Plan of Activities has been endorsed by both ERA-NETs. In the plan the establishment of a joint working group has been foreseen. Among the members of the FOR-SUM JTTG group there should be representative from each of those countries that are involved in both actions (IT, FR, ES, SI and GR), the WP6 leader of SUMFOREST representing the other regional specificities, the WP4 leader of SUMFOREST responsible of the strategic activities, one delegate of FORESTERRA for each of the countries representing South Mediterranean Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco), one EFI delegate, and one forest stakeholders representative.
The group has been created to provide support to the implementation of joint activities and the principle inspiring its composition was recalled. In both meeting celebrated (1st meeting: Rome 25th September 2015 - see the Agenda; 2nd meeting: Lisbon 25th November 2015) the group was an opportunity to share views, discuss scenarios, identify activities and contributions to design future collaboration between the two ERA-NETs and also other EU-International initiatives to support research and provide outputs to policies in the forestry sector.