Organization (acronym): Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique. INRA.

Country: France

Role of the organization in FORESTERRA: INRA is the leader of Wp 4 “Implementation of joint activities” and tasks 4.3 Mutual opening of facilities and sharing data and 4.4 Monitoring and evaluation of the selected joint activities. Inside Wp 2 “Mapping and information exchange”, INRA is also leader of task 2.3 Information exchange.

Webpage 1:

Webpage 2:


INRA is a major actor in agricultural research in Europe. It is placed under the aegis of both the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. INRA covers the whole field of agricultural research including environmental research, forestry, and rural development, food and nutrition and employs 10.200 people in 14 scientific departments.

INRA has a large and long experience of cooperation at the European and international level: it is involved in many European research projects and networks (more than 140) and is coordinating more than 40 of them (e.g.: EVOLTREE, NOVELTREE, ENERGYPOPLAR, TREEBREDEX, BACCARA, etc.).

It is also involved in coordination of national programmes (such as plant genomics INRA has been involved as a partner or coordinator in the following ERA-NETs: ERA-PG: (plant genomics), EUPHRESCO (Coordination of European Phytosanitary Research), WOODWISDOM (Networking and Integration of National Programmes in the Area of Wood Material Science and Engineering) and EMIDA (Coordination of European Research on Emerging and Major Infectious Diseases of Livestock), CORE ORGANIC, FORSOCIETY. INRA currently coordinates ARIMNET (coordination of agricultural research in the Mediterranean) and RURAGRI (Ecological services and sustainable land use management) and participates in WoodWisdom- NET 2, CORE ORGANIC II and EUPHRESCO II.

Key personnel:

JM Guehl

Jean-Marc GUEHL: coordinator of the team and INRA´s representative in the Steering Committee

Anne Jambois

Anne JAMBOIS: INRA´s contact point and directly involved in the participation of INRA in FORESTERRA.

Jean-Charles Valette

Jean-Charles VALETTE: Wp 4 and task 2.3 leader

Gema Herrero

Gema HERRERO CORRAL : INRA´s contact point. Engaged in those work packages in which INRA has a contribution, particularly in Wp 4 and 2
