Summary of DoW

The FORESTERRA activities are organized in the following work packages:

WP1--Coordination and management

The Coordinator, MINECO, assisted by a Secretariat from EFIMED, will provide support to all other FORESTERRA activities. The coordination team works to enable effective communication and cohesion among the partners for the most effective realization of the project, facilitating decision-making processes and day-to-day project management.

WP Leader: MINECO (Coordinator) and EFIMED (Secretariat)


WP2--Mapping and information exchange

The mapping carried out in this work package will provide the concrete basis for understanding the forest research framework of each Mediterranean country and for identifying complementarities. This work package will also guarantee an interdisciplinary and transnational information exchange.

WP Leader: CRA

Results of WP2 “Mapping and information exchange” already available

WP3--Strategic Activities

This work package will analyse and evaluate previous strategic studies and develop a coherent strategic scientific framework and operational plan for the launching of joint activities and transnational research.


WP4--Implementation of joint activities

This work package targets actions to improve the coordination of forest research by fostering the convergence of criteria in the different national programmes, as well as improving the coherence, the scientific cooperation and integration among research organizations to increase the added value of joint activities.

WP Leader: INRA

WP5--Funding of joint transnational research

The aim of this work package is to formulate a joint strategy and set up joint research activities among partners, fostering a common vision of objectives and priorities among stakeholders and decision makers.


WP6--Scientific cooperation with other Mediterranean Climate Areas


This work package will provide a description of the "state of the art" of forest research in other Mediterranean Climate Areas (California, Chile, South Africa and Australia), including information on research programmes, capacities and activities. It will also identify topics of shared interest and promote joint activites and exchange of information among programme managers and scientists from different Mediterranean Climate Areas.

WP Leader: FCT

WP7--Spreading excellence

This work package will disseminate the project and its impacts to the forestry sector, including research organizations, policy makers and relevant stakeholders, as well as to related sectors such as agriculture, energy and water.

Tools: website, brochure, workshops, conferences, publications, etc.

WP Leader: IAMZ